Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Don't Worry...
“Don’t Worry…”
Matthew 6:25-34 and I Peter 5:6-7
God's word calls us to reset by letting go of worry, stress, and anxiety and offers deep insight into how we can do so.
Summer Reset
Life in our modern world can be a real challenge. Things like worry, stress, and anxiety seem to plague so many of us today. Summer is often a time when life slows down for a while, and it can be not only a time to rest but a time to reflect and reset. So, this summer under the Tent, that’s what we’re going to seek to do, to have a Summer Reset. Led by the wisdom found in scripture, we’ll seek to overcome some of the unhealthy patterns we can so easily slip into and pursue a happier, healthier way of life.
Orchard Community Church
8180 Telephone Rd
Ventura CA 93004
Contact us at Info@OrchardVentura.org
Orchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190