Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Chill Out
“Chill Out”
Exodus 20:8-11, Genesis 2:1-3
God’s word calls to reset regular resting and seek renewal in Him.
Summer Reset
Life in our modern world can be a real challenge. Things like worry, stress, and anxiety seem to plague so many of us today. Summer is often a time when life slows down for a while, and it can be not only a time to rest but a time to reflect and reset. So, this summer under the Tent, that’s what we’re going to seek to do, to have a Summer Reset. Led by the wisdom found in scripture, we’ll seek to overcome some of the unhealthy patterns we can so easily slip into and pursue a happier, healthier way of life.
Orchard Community Church
8180 Telephone Rd
Ventura CA 93004
Contact us at Info@OrchardVentura.org
Orchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190