Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages

A Savior Who Meets us in the Mess (Jesus)

Orchard Community Church Episode 110

“A Savior Who Meets us in the Mess" (Jesus)
Luke 2:1-20, 1 Timothy 1:15

In Jesus, God himself came to meet us in the mess of this world and the mess of our lives in order to be our Savior.

Messy Christmas

The first Christmas was messy: an unwed mother, a father thinking of leaving, a child born in a stable, and a birth announcement to lowly shepherds.  The first Christmas was messy because life is messy.  Christmas isn't about a picture-perfect moment; it's about a God who meets us in the mess.  In Jesus, God entered into the mess of our world and our lives with the promise and call to something better.

Orchard Community Church
8180 Telephone Rd
Ventura CA 93004
Contact us at Info@OrchardVentura.org
Orchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190