Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Does God Really Listen and Answer Prayer?
Does God Really Listen and Answer Prayer?
Psalm 139:1-4, Jeremiah 33:3, Proverbs 28:9, James 4:3, Mark 11:24, 1 John 5:14
God hears everything, including our prayers. God does answer our prayers. When people ask faithfully, God frequently grants their prayers, more often than we may realize. However, God does not always give us what we pray for, and the scripture outlines some good reasons why.
Prayer Matters
As we move into the new year, we'll begin a new series of messages called "Prayer Matters" because prayer really does matter a great deal. Also, with this series, we will take up different important matters concerning prayer. Prayer is one of the most foundational pieces of a spiritual life, and yet so many people, even long-time believers, often seem to struggle with it. This series is meant to help dig deeply into the core elements of prayer, like what prayer is, why we should pray, and how to pray effectively. Each message will move from the basics to deeper places, providing useful insights from scripture for those who are new to prayer, as well as those with developed prayer lives.
Orchard Community Church
8180 Telephone Rd
Ventura CA 93004
Contact us at Info@OrchardVentura.org
Orchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190