Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Sunday morning messages from Orchard Community Church in beautiful Ventura, California. Listen in to hear the Good News from Pastor Matt Hoyt and occasional guest preachers.
Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Instruct/Admonish One Another
Orchard Community Church
Episode 151
Romans 15:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14, 1 Cor. 4:14, Acts 20:31
We are called to instruct/admonish one another when we see another believer getting off track in their life or faith. This is incredibly hard to do well and very hard to receive well, and yet when we get off track, we need people who are willing and able to warn us and call us to correction.
Orchard Community Church
8180 Telephone Rd
Ventura CA 93004
Contact us at Info@OrchardVentura.org
Orchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190