Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
The Wrong Direction (Greed & Selfish Motives)
The Wrong Direction (Greed & Selfish Motives)
Luke 12:13-21
God’s word calls us to steer clear of greed and other selfish motives that cause us to place too much value on money and possessions. We are to trust God, resist temptation, and be willing to give.
Navigating Generosity
God is incredibly generous. He’s given us everything we have, including our very lives. In turn, God calls us to be generous as well. The idea of being generous people may appeal to us, but navigating our way to generosity isn’t as simple as we’d like. It’s easy to get turned in the wrong direction or lost along the way. With this series, we’ll focus on steering clear of greed and selfish motives and toward trusting in God’s provision so that we can reach our destination of becoming generous people.
Orchard Community Church
8180 Telephone Rd
Ventura CA 93004
Contact us at Info@OrchardVentura.org
Orchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190